On the Road

Sheila is back in town and currently sacking out in the staff break room at the museum. She is looking to hitch a ride with anyone heading toward Eugene in the next few days. She says she is playing speedy delivery for some of the off-grid folks and needs to get down toward Fresno in […]

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Tow Truck Driver Wanted

Well, Big Paul is looking to hang up half the old operation. He says he’s getting too old to lift Fords out of ditches when the winch won’t do. “Hell, I can barely throw a Prius” he joked. Since his kid won’t likely be coming around to taking up the family business, Paul is looking […]

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Post No Bills

Many of us around here used to be huge fans of the Red Green show. It even got the the point where some folks referred to each other as the characters, though usually in a decidedly unflattering way. Buster and Stumpy were regularly referred to as “Ol’ Man Sedgewick,” Big Paul usually got called “Uncle […]

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Quick notes

Edna has some new specials she’s trying out this week. Only five dollars, and you get a dollar off if you fill out a little questionnaire about the dish. Can’t beat that! Monday: Walnut Cardamom Pancakes with a Coffee Syrup Tuesday: Chicory Chocolate Waffles Wednesday: Strawberry Apples in Cinnamon Glaze Thursday: Prickly Pear Strudel Friday: […]

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Secret Midnight Fishing Raid

Secret reminder for those at the secret meeting at the secret diner: Tonight’s fishing expedition is scheduled to start around 3:00 AM. All good and all bad things start or end at 3:00 AM. Bring your poles and at least 100lb test. Lures will be provided. Not-Art will be meeting with everyone at the agreed […]

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Well wishes from Prague

“We miss Oregon. We miss Leverite. We miss the Neighbors. Heck, we even miss having to run outside at two in the morning to lockup the trashcans as raccoons swept through town. But hearing Rumplestiltzkat is on the loose, we feel much safer being on the other side of the planet about now, especially considering […]

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The Cat

Well, some folks did not heed our warnings. Some did. Female cats were glued to windows and doors, yowling all night long to be let out. Toms stayed on laps, grooming themselves with a detached coolness, yet every little noise from beyond the walls startled them to alertness. In the dark, a sinister shadow passed […]

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That Darned Cat

Just a heads up. Anyone living in town that was at the disastrous Amundsen’s Inaugural Thanksgiving Bash is on notice. Rumplestiltzkat has escaped. That’s right. Everyone’s most loathed Demon-in-a-Fur-Coat stalks the streets, seeking vengeance on the living and the dead alike. I never believed in Hell until I met this cat, at which point I […]

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Surrounded by Polyglots

Everyone was a little surprised this afternoon to see a shuttle bus loaded with foreign tourists roll up to the Natural History Museum. With a few calls, the museum director was able to round up five people that spoke two other languages each. That is eleven languages in all! It’s is sometimes surprising to consider […]

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Small-Town American Graffiti

As summer drags on, every small town confronts the most critical threat to peace and quiet: bored teenagers. However, between the badgers and that game, things have been pretty low key. Unfortunately, it seems that some of the kids from the next town over have decided a little cross-town rivalry is in order, and have […]

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